Monday, December 15, 2014

Hear the Inaudible, See the Invisible

Heb 1:1-2 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son...,
God is the greatest communicator ever. He spoke in the past, he is speaking in the present and he always will speak. His interlocutors - those to whom he is speaking - are you and I, the extension of himself. Although his communicative style differs in each period, the message of God remains the same. And the effects that his words have on his hearers are determined by the listeners’ level of understanding of God’s hidden thought for them conveyed in the message. The God of life speaks living words. These words have been symbolized by such things as the trumpets, but more so by bread or manna or eating activities. This is referred to as fellowship. As such the words must produce life, which is the nature of God, in the hearer. But Jesus once said to the Hebrews: “your fathers ate bread in the desert, yet they died.” How can we partake of the living nature of God and die. By giving them manna to eat, God was saying to the Hebrew fathers that, in the centre of their parched wilderness mindset, there always is the voice of life anyway. However, this living bread - this mindset of God - did not produce life in the listeners then, because their perception of spiritual thoughts of God was very dull. They were not in the position to discern the body of Christ. They were very much sight and appearing-minded people. They could not transcend the five sensory human mind to perceive the angel that had been sent before them. This angel is the living presence of the righteousness of Christ that comes by faith. The duty of this angel was to drive out the five-fold enemy - Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites – from their sight.(Ex. 33:2) These people are the allegorical representation of the human constitution, which is sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, we hear the rich man appeal to father Abraham saying, “then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' In this mystery speech Jesus was presenting a spiritual picture of the state of all humans. These five human attributes produce the sixth man called emotions or feelings - the rich man himself. This is why the book of revelations refers to the number six as the number of man. This are the enemies that have enslaved and continue to lord it over the offspring of within you. The emotional man is the abominable thing that cannot discern the spiritual God. The Hebrews did not see life because they had identified with death. They had identified with the dusty, earthly emotional man who perishes, Have you asked why God caused them to eat the manna from the ground and not from a table top? It was to tell them how low they had reduced themselves in their perceived self identity. They had identified with the mortal man of the earth and made their bed in hell. They could not go past the enemy – their human self as an appearing being - to see the invisible angel from heaven called faith. This living presence was ever there before them – within their innermost being, actually- but they were spiritually insensitive to perceive him, so they were destroyed out of the way. Today, as then, God is speaking to us. This is the last hour and the son of God, the Christ within, is the first and last means of God’s communication to us. Comparatively, we are better off than the historical Hebrews, because we are in the dispensation of grace. This simply means a time in which the spiritual ears of men have been opened in order for them to hear and understand spiritual truth and live (Psalm 40:6) Today, we too, unless we get silent enough; unless we are ready to pull down all our religious mountains and abandon the high places we have put up in the churches, as they all amount to the outer court sacrificial activities, we will likewise not enter his rest. It makes all the difference when we have the living bread that has come down from heaven speak to us. This bread has been served on the golden table of shrew bread, and all men are being invited to eat of it form that elevated position and live. Anyone who recognizes this bread, which is the Christ of God, as the true bread, and partakes of it will live forever. This bread is his flesh, which implies the awareness or consciousness that the Holy Spirit is generation within all who are wiling to be still enough. We must refrain from all the mental doctrines of the church; from the religious, moralistic and legalistic values of the systems of the this present age. They can only produce a good human-character person, but they don’t produce eternal life in anyone. Righteousness, which preserves you in the bosom of the father is not revealed in human self discipline mechanisms of the church. Let us therefore listen out for the inaudible voice of the father reaching us this hours through the invisible son and live. Faith and righteousness are activated deep within our being by our ability to comprehend the voice of truth. Blessings, Jonas Opoku-Forson

Friday, December 27, 2013


James 4:7-8 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. NIV

In “a deliverance service” I watched people literally scream and shout and clap their hands in an alarming and aggressive manner as they prayed. Why? Because the leader of the meeting had told them two things: first, “that the kingdom of God has suffered violence and those who are of violent spirit must snatch it back by force.” And, that “the devil must be resisted so that he runs away from them.” Obviously, the leader balanced his incitement by saying that the people must first “submit to God.”

The thing is that all the efforts of these poor people were in a sense counterproductive. In fact, it was, and it’s still so because it has always been a wrong interpretation of scripture. If the Holy Spirit helps us to enter into the true meaning of the passage of James above, we will see that it’s really not what it appears to imply. It’s not a call to take up arms, because the kingdom of God is not one of a battle field. The Saints haven’t been called to fight. They have been called to rest!

Ps 110:1 The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."

From the above scripture we understand that we are being invited to take our seat on the right hand of the father. On the right hand of the father is the mind of Christ, and by the mind of Christ (which means spiritual understanding) we rule and reign over the beggarly elements of this world. Kings sit down, but soldiers stand to fight! If you are being invited to sit down now, it’s because you’ve been standing all this while. If you’ve been standing, then you’ve been fighting. Don’t fight anymore, sit down!

Abraham was an example of this truth: God had separated him from his “mother’s womb”(which means his concept of life as that which is produced biologically or genetically) so that he, God, would reveal His son to him Abraham by faith( which means the truth of life as the fruit of the generation of the Spirit). But by taking Lot along on his walk of faith, He Abraham had remained attached to his earthly identity, the very concept and values that he had been asked to abandon. And as long as he’d maintained this attachment, he would struggle and fight and never enter into the rest of God.
In fact, as it turned out to be, he did get involved in the nine-kingdom conflict that had seen Lot and his household captivated. And he did fight!

But then, he may have realized afterwards that Lot was not a savable thing anyway. How do we deduce this? From the fact that he gave a tenth of his conquest to the King of Peace who reigned in the land of RighteousnessMelchizedech.

Now, open your spiritual understanding here, because this is where the church missed it. By giving Melchizedec the tenth of his conquest, Abraham was not initiating what is known in the church system as tithing here. Rather he was speaking a language of profound spiritual meaning. In reality Abraham was exchanging his humanity, which is governed by law of sin and death,(because ten is the representation of the law and man’s attempt to please God through religious and moral works) for the Law of the Spirit of life. This is the free gift of God, which is the righteousness that comes by faith! This is called the Kingdom of God. In essence Abraham realized that if he didn’t cut off the umbilical cord that kept him attached to His human existence (this case in the person of Lot. Lot was just an abstract concept made concrete), the struggles and fighting would never end, and he would never know peace and rest, and he would never possess his possession. We, therefore, have been called to lay down our arms and take up the peace of God. We do this by responding to the call of God to leave our erroneous concept of life, and that is the idea that we are humans. We must cut off the silver cord! What does it mean? Consider the following scripture:

Eccl 12:6-7 Remember him — before the silver cord is severed,
or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, 7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

So we see that, actually, James, in our opening passage, is promoting the principle of NON-“RESISTENCE” “What does that mean?” You may ask. Simple! We can understand what it  means from the first part of the passage: it says, “submit yourself to God.” In actual fact, this phrase means one thing only, but it can be expressed in many ways: simply put, it means say what God says of you! But What does God say of me?” may be your second question. Well, He says, “you are a divine being, not a human being. He says, “you came out of Him, so you were not born. He says, you are the externalization of Himself(the part of the invisible God that is visible to human perception) He says, you are “The I am God, the one who was and is and is to come. He says, “you were born of the Spirit, so you are not a product of the desire of fleshly man. He says, “you are not a product of sperm and egg! He says, “quit believing in the concept of life by birth, because life is never born; He says, “your true identity is non corporeal, therefore you are everywhere at the same time, you are not limited by time and space. He say, “ I sent my son to deliver to you only one message and that is, “YOU AND YOUR FATHER ARE ONE!” If anyone thinks this is heretic and blasphemous, let him be the first to pick up a stone and stone me. He say, “you don’t belong to nativity and you are not part of the spectrum of biological existence. You are divine; you are God, but as a man you don’t understand this!! And Until you grasp this spiritual truth, you will die as mere men.

Ps 82:6-7  "I said, 'You are "gods";you are all sons of the Most High.' 7 But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler."

This is the mind that worked in Christ, which Paul says must be in you too. This mindset(you can call it consciousness, is that which produces eternal life. This is the realization that snatches you from the jaws of sickness disease, hell and eternal death – like a bird out of the trap of the hunter. James says, “conform your thought pattern to this truth.(“submit yourself to God!!”)

“But no one has ever told me this truth about me and God in this fashion,” you may say again. Well, if the church hasn’t told you this, what then does it say to you that you have born again out of?” What then did you die to? What then is the newness of life you are supposed to be walking in? What transformation of mind is taking place in you then? What is the new identity that you believe you have  in Christ then? When Jesus was baptized in river Jordan, what message was He conveying? He was leaving his humanity in that river(symbolically of course) and was rising in a newness of His true spiritual being. Is that not the reason why the father thundered from heaven soon afterwards saying, “this is my beloved son, the kind I give birth to, and the kind I find pleasure in?”

What about if I don’t arm my mind with and don’t walk in the understanding of this reality? You may ask gain. Well, only one thing can be said of you, and that is, “you are not born again yet! You still live according to the flesh, It means you still believe in a life based on the breath that comes from your nostrils. Isaiah says, “stop believing in the existence of a form of life based on the breath that comes out of your nostrils:

(Isaiah 2:22 stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? NIV)

That form of existence is called “Man!” If you are man, then you are not the son of God! God doesn’t generate men! He produces beings after His kind, God!!

If you still believe in nativity, then you live under the law of sin and death, not under the law of the Spirit of life. Then there is still condemnation unto you, because you still live after he flesh, not after the Spirit! The elements of life will induce guilt in you and you continue trying to improve yourself to please God. This way you’ll find yourself leaving in hell.

Rom 8:1-2 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,   2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. NIV

Then you will be afraid of death! Then you will struggle to survive! Then you will manipulate people at work and in church to obtain what you feel you lack. Then you will do works of religion to appease God. Then you will give offerings and sacrifices to God to quite your tempestuous conscience. Then you will pick up arms and fight for Christ and for yourself. But, you see, none of these activities of you hands extends to God! They are all works of man. They come from the darkened ignorant mind of man! They are the activities of the mind! God doesn’t know them, He doesn’t take note of them.

But if you conform yourself to the judgment of God of you, (judgment means they way God sees all men)then you don’t pick up arms. You put your sword back into its sheaf. You don’t cut anyone’s ear in the garden of Gethsemane, because you think they are an enemy. In, fact you cease to see any enemies around, because there just aren’t any.

There aren’t weapons anywhere, because there isn’t any other life force or activity anywhere besides you! Nothing besides you has any power or active life principle to constitute any threat to your existence. There simply isn’t any power or might anywhere but you. You are the ALL POWERFUL and the ALL MIGHTY. Watch out! This is not the superlative of a comparison. If it were, it would mean that you were superior of a leaser power. No! it simply means that God is the only active life and power source. If He is, then you are too, because of the virtue of your singleness and oneness with and your inseparableness from HIM. You are fused into HIM. You are the very dwelling place of everything God is; everything God has; everything God knows and everything God does! YOU ARE God!!! No stones throwing about it! Just be still in you mind and you will know that you are…..!

Now, let’s draw a conclusion: now if you are the only power and might and active life force there ever is, then nothing else can move or act or be animated in anyway if you don’t delegate force or activity to it. A pencil-drawing remains on a pieces of paper, unable to speak of move unless you give it life(animation), then it moves and communicates. It even says swear words if you allow it to. So you see that you, God, are the only substance, the only life generating, maintaining and sustaining source there ever is. The only substance of all things is you! “Now, faith is the substance….

Heb. 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

If we allow the flesh(which is the erroneous beliefs of life by birth) to rule our minds, we live by the law of sin and death. It means our wrong beliefs give animation to the inanimate elements or forms of nature to start operating. This come about when we operate with the activities of the human mind, rather than by the inspiration of the eternal Spirit that we are. This is called hell!! Hell is not a geo-spiritual place waiting to roast us up in fire in the future.

As long as we live in hell (which means spiritual ignorance), all creation will fall out of line. We will see sickness, we will see wars, we will earth and sea quakes. we will experience cyclones violent winds. we will see violence, we will see all the ills associated with man in our human existence, because life becomes a bottomless pit, which is never satisfied with anything! So we fight and invent all sorts of schemes to manipulate to obtain what we feel we lack. But when the sons of God receive illumination about their true identity, then gradually all things begin to realign themselves. This is called the manifestation of the sons of God. Creation is redeemed by the entrants of truth in the minds of men. Healing comes and peace reigns in our mind and our being. The body is subject to your thoughts and state of mind. Then as the fighting stops, so does every form of survival manipulative tendencies.

Rom 8:22-25 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

From this point everything and everyone appears beautiful to us again. We start loving ourselves and then start loving others as well. The life of God lying dormant in us is reactivated once more and the fountain of life starts gushing out of us. You don’t oppose anyone, you don’t resist anyone, you don’t criticize anyone, because all things are holy and beautiful and good. You can only help people to realize this goodness.

The only resistance there ever is, therefore,  are the voices of the desert. The men of the desert are not flesh and blood; they are the many contradictory voices that are in your human sub- consciousness. These are the foxes; these are the wolves; these are the false prophets; these are the distraction of human and religious and moralistic activities; this is the old man; this is the anti-Christ who stands and defiles this temple of the Most High, which you are; this is the devil. Resist him!! In you attempt to walk in conformity to God, your true identity, these voice will show up every now and then to tell you that it’s not working so quit. These voices are in the church. They are in the family. They are in your work place. They are in your culture and ethnic beliefs. They are in the beliefs in the attachments to global, continental, national, ethnic and cultural identity. You are not an earthy creature! You are not an earthly citizen! You are a citizen of a dimension that transcends humanity. Quit walking in a mistaken identity! You are a citizen of heaven. Submit yourself to this truth, resist the contradictory voices. Don’t be double-minded. A servant can’t serve two masters. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh! What to do? Ask!!!

Matt 7:7-8 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Blessings.  Jonas

Saturday, March 30, 2013


The True vs. The False.


I was inspired by the Seven Spirits of God to produce this article, following questions that had come up during a Sunday school session which I had lead. The questions had revolved around what the dividing line between true and false prophets lies. The night of the beginning of the writing of this revelation truth, the Ancient of Days visited me and picked me up in a sofa (couch), which symbolizes His throne, and rode me up to the peak of a mountain.

By this revelation I perceived that the father was endorsing the truth contained in this article, because divine truth can only be heard on top of the mountain, in other words  referred to by Jesus as the housetop. Mountain top or housetop means the highly elevated Spiritual mind of God. Therefore, if you open your heart to the truth revealed in this writing, you will most certainly be visited by the Ancient of Days and your life will be affected with spiritual healing in your seeing and understanding. Amen.  

To begin with let’s have a look at the following scripture, as it will serve as the axis around which our considerations revolve. 

Isa 7:15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. 

Falsehood or evil, as coined by the prophecy of Isaiah, is not the result of an action a person carries out but, rather, a state of consciousness. If it’s a state of consciousness or recognition or then it’s a state of being. We can affirm this on the basis of the bible’s statement that says, “ as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Evil, for that matter, in the righteous recognition or understanding of God the father, is not the same thing as humans understand it to mean. Evil is the mistaken perception of who we really are. 

 Death is the result of manipulations: In the gospels brother Jesus made a profound statement, whose spiritual implication must be understood from a spiritual point of view. Unfortunately, the interpretation of truth coming from the Spirit is largely handled incompetently by the body of Christ, so we miss out on an enormous proportion of the father’s communication to us. There is no wonder nothing is happening in the churches. The church is a quasi dead entity. Until we are able to receive truth from the Spirit of life, we can’t be alive ourselves! All there will be is the fruit of our survival manipulations, which is death, because what a man sows is what he reaps. If we operate on the principles of manipulation, we will reap the fruit of manipulation. If we sow to the wind, we will reap the whirlwind. If we sow to the flesh, we will reap the cursed thing. Joseph, the son of Heli, of the house of David, fathered Jesus after the flesh, then Joseph of Arimathaea, picked him up and put in the grave. In the beginning, a Joseph symbolically birthed the fleshly Jesus and, in the end, a Joseph reaped the fleshly Jesus that was meant to return to the dust. The fleshly Jesus was a cursed thing, because he hanged on a tree. 

Not only did Jesus himself know this, but he knew also that the cursed thing, which he had become in his humanity, could not be preserved. When Peter thought he was helping Jesus to preserve the non-conservable, by talking him out the idea of going to the cross, Peter received a rebuke and was labeled Satan, who didn’t know the things that pertain to God, but things that pertain to men. Men manipulate to survive, but in God, we don’t survive, we live!  

 When Jacob manipulated Esau and ripped him off his birthright, because that was what he thought he lacked and desperately needed, he in turn was manipulated by Laban, the father-in law. Judas thought his real need was money so he applied the survival law of manipulation to obtain financial advantage. But then he reaped death as a result of his manipulative tendencies.   

Most of what is happening in the body today is manipulation of innocent men with the Jesus of the flesh, which goes into the tomb. If Jesus that hanged on the tree is their choice, then they can’t have the Christ that lives eternally. Until the people of the kingdom understand that God is calling us to inherit life and living, they will continue to try to preserve the unpreservable – the human life. Our humanity is decaying and corruptible.

However, let’s see what Jesus said:

John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: KJV

Judgment in God’s eyes is not the passing of verdict: What does this statement mean? Well, for us to have an understanding of this Spiritual truth that brother Jesus is communicating to us here, we must allow the Spirit of God to dissolve our carnal; our traditional; our conventional understanding of the concept judgment. In our Pentecostal understanding of judgment we liken it to meaning  God passing verdict on our behavior. We think of it as all men appearing before Jesus in the same way that people appear before a judge in a law court in the natural. Then Jesus classifying all our human conducts under two categories of good conduct and evil conduct. Then he telling us to go to one destination if our bad conduct outweighs the good one, and the other way round. This is the carnal understanding of men of the concept judgment. But you know what? This is false and, as such, this carnal interpretation of the concept must give way to true illumination not only for us to understand the spiritual implication of such a spiritual piece of communication as this, but also to be able to receive all truths from the Spirit. Having said this though, the question then is what does the statement above mean then?  

It plainly implies that God doesn’t view man in his state as a human, but rather as the seed of Christ, which man has actually always truly been before the foundation of the world. In effect, we are affirming that God sees all men through His Christ. He doesn’t see men in their humanity. He is not interested in humanity, because that is not His world. That is not His nature. His righteous eyes penetrate the carnal formation of man to see only His Christ in all men. Hence, Jesus’ affirmation that His father doesn’t see men in their sinful, miserable decayed state. (“my father judges no man.” Judgment here means perception.) He just sees the perfect seed of the son in man. “My father has committed all judgment to the son.” This is the meaning of the passage above. If you perceive the heartbeat of the father this way, it will guarantee you peace, because this is the wisdom of God. If the word or the understanding of the word doesn’t give you peace, don’t take it in! It’s not from the father of love, no matter who interprets it!

 James 3:17-18 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.KJV

Man has no beginning and ending: Now if this is what we have established to be the true nature of man then we can confidently affirm that men have no history. This is true because anything whose beginning man can trace and put a finger on is the world – not geography and not Cosmos, of course. The world simply is a spiritual state of mind.  The world has a beginning, but Christ, who man is and has always been in spite of man’s  ignorance of this truth about his true identity, has no beginning.

The universe of God; the realm or dimension of God, where He dwells and from where he acts and has His being, and from which He derives  His good pleasure, is not the world and its activities; it’s not the fruit and product of the mindset and the wisdom of this age, but rather  that which existed before the world began. Jesus once said, “ the devil comes but he has no part in me.” Why could he make such a sweeping statement? Because that which came after the truth, which is the image and mindset of Christ is “the lie.” Therefore Jesus was saying that if he was not influenced by the carnal perception of men- the world-  then the activities of that reality hold no stake on him. Sickness had no hold on him. Lack laid no claims on him. Anxiety, tribulation and fear did not rule over him, because these are fruit of the world – the human mental formation.

The Image of Christ existed first in the person of Adam, then the carnal mind or the serpent mind, also referred to as death or most appropriately the world, came in when Adam opened up to it in fellowship.  So we see that the world came after Christ - the Truth. Therefore the “world,” which we now understand to mean a state of death and corruptibility of man’s spiritual mind, is “the lie” – the Adamic nature or the old man of sin.

Let’s repeat this louder and clearer: the world began when Adam, who was in the image of the father and the son, placed in the bosom or the mind of God moved out of his Christ consciousness to fellowship with the debased earthly, corruptible and temporal order. This is what God calls the serpent; the wisdom of this age; death; sin; the evil; the transgression or, simply put, the world.

So not only do we understand that the world doesn’t mean a cosmic or geographical reality, but a spiritual state of mind, but we also see that the world has a beginning. It has a history, but that which existed before the world began has no history. The seed of Christ in you, be you a Muslim be you a Buddhists, be you a Jew, be you a pagan or a Christian you have this seed in you. Now upon the basis of this truth, brother Paul Boldly declares:

Col 1:26-27 26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: KJV

Brother Paul could not have been any clearer about the fact that the mystery of our being Christ, kept hidden from our veiled understanding, has now been demystified through the power of the gospel.

If only you can hear the voice of the Spirit from this truth, then the world has come to an END on YOU! Your idea of a cosmic catastrophe is an illusion and false prophesy. It stems from the darkened mind of the world – the Spiritually veiled mind:
Fallen Adam doesn’t know God: The problem is we don’t perceive that fallen Adamic is not our origin. We are of Christ, the Truth,  who existed and exists in eternity. This is our true identity. The mind crowded over with an earthly, carnal and human self perception is a mind that is still nurtured by the world, but the world is enmity with God who is our original and true identity. This is the mind of Adam in the fall, and fallen Adam doesn’t know God. The human and natural identity we were born into and have been made to understand to be our identity is actually a mistaken identity. It is the fallen and debased Adamic identity. This nature is false. This identity is ruled and governed by the law of sin and death. No matter how much he tries;  no matter how godly he tries to be; no matter how much he goes to church, fasts and have all-night prays, this nature can’t be made to conform to the nature of Christ, because this identity of Christ is governed by another life law which is the law of the Spirit of life.

This Adamic identity is what Isaiah called the lie, the false or the evil about which he was prophesying.  Let’s read it again:   

Isa 7:15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. 

There are no human Christians: Shall we be aware that when God made prophetic declarations through his prophets, though they may seem to be speaking about events relating to the time they lived in, their ultimate implications are purely spiritual and must, therefore, be discerned as such.  So if we disregard the varying opinions of bible commentators and so-called theologians of the implication of this prophecy to King Ahaz, we will be faced with a prophetic communication about the Messiah. 

Jesus was revealed to instruct us about who we really are in the eternal father. All he did and said was the reflection of our life. For instance His descent from the heights of heaven reveals our descent from the bosom of the father where we the morning stars were and where we sang together and all the angels shouted for joy. Secondly, Christ’s conformation to flesh and blood or his being born of flesh and blood speaks of our assumption or marking and spotting ourselves with flesh and blood, the placing of a false identity on us. Not that if we think that we were born or generated out of sperm and egg, then we can,t even think of ourselves as good, because humanity is not good. We can’t think of ourselves as Christians, because there aren’t human Christians. Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan depicts our renunciation and shedding off  of the human and mistaken identity that entrapped us in our conformation. His death on the cross teaches us how the Adamic nature; the abomination that causes desolation spoken about by Daniel; the dragon Leviathan spoken of by Job must finally be renounced and eventually annihilated  by the appearing of His cross. His resurrection reveals to us the merging of the new man of the Spirit; the Lazarus from the tomb; the Noah from the Ark, the Peter from Herod’s Jail; the Second Adam rising from the east etc. 

The only one who has maintained his garment pure or His true godliness or Godlikeness  of God consciousness is Christ the son, no one else. Christ is the only one who never forgot about his never-changing state of righteousness, so making him the only one qualified to remind us of and lead us to the lost paradise. 

There is an insight into this truth in the testimony of the messenger from heaven about the son in the book of Daniel, in a conversation that the Man from Heaven - the father God - had with Daniel. Let’s read it together: 

Dan 10:21 21 But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.KJV   

Christ never forgot to drink his milk: This is the good that Emmanuel chose. He says, “no one supported me in the maintenance of the consciousness of their righteous and immaculate image, except Michael. Michael here refers to the one from above, the Christ. Someone might say, “isn’t Michael an angel?”  Yes, he is! But who is an angel, if not that self same Christ expressed in several forms and attributes? Let us understand that when an angel appears, Christ has appeared and when Christ appears angles have appeared.  Christ and God and we, the saints, are not separate individuals, we are the same eternal father expressed in several manifestations. 

This is what Isaiah said Jesus in his human formation or entrapment would learn to choose to maintain. This is the truth it was said he would maintain – his true, divine and immaculate consciousness. This is the first state he chose to stick to. This is the garment he determined to keep spotless. This is the milk he never forgot to drink or the butter he always ate. This is the light body he refused to subject to the dark covering of the ignorance of the world.  This is the truth about us that he came to bear witness to or wake us up to. This is what  made Him the true prophet.  He professed what he is and what he knows and teaches us the same. “Listen to him,” the father said. He promoted the voice of God; the breath of the one who lives forever; the eternity which has always been deposited in the heart of all men, the Christ within.

We see for that matter that a true prophet is the one who has understanding of his divine origin in the Eternal father and not only walks in this knowledge but also teaches others to walk in this revelation of their true self, until they see the Son fully manifested in them. These are true prophets! These are the ones who wait patiently and in continuity until “the crop is produced” in them! When Jesus fed the five thousand, he look up in heaven, broke the bread and gave it to the disciples and they in turn passed it on to the people. There is a divine prophetic order and communication in that gesture.  

The sleepy doesn’t know their identity: Jonah dramatized this truth in his ordeal as a fugitive from the presence of the Living father. Actually, Jonah’s experience was nothing but the gospel being preached to us in that dramatization. Let’s read a portion it together:

Jonah 1:8-9 So they asked him, "Tell us, who is responsible for making all this trouble for us? What do you do? Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?"  

In this prophetic picture the father is projecting your life and mine in that episode about what happens to us when we are asleep and dead to the consciousness of our true identity in Him. In our sleep and deadness of our humanity we are not aware of who we really are and, as a result, we are plunged in at the deep end of the abyss of death and rottenness. We are caught up in the storms and tempest of life. This tempests manifest in the form of beliefs, cultures, traditions, doctrines and philosophies of men. All we see is mirage, illusion and dreamlike images. We are in a state of hypnotism. It is an appearance but it doesn’t exist as a reality. Even what educational institutions establish and promote that seem to be well settled with men and from which men  derive their prestige, self-worth  and self-esteem, is far from what it truly takes for the Spirit to reveal this Mystery of godliness to us. We live in a state of survival where we struggle. Anyone who struggles knows no rest. In our humanity we are not acquainted with the rest of the father. 

  As brother Paul rightly puts it, lack of knowledge of this truth about our origin in God reduces us to infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching, beliefs and religion and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.  

While Jonah was lying in the depth of the belly of the ship he was not conscious of his identity as a Hebrew. Was he?. He gained consciousness of this truth of himself only when he was awake. Then and only then was he able to affirm and reaffirm his Israelite identity; his being of the Hebrew stock; his being the worshipper of the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land.

But you see, the dawning of this awareness is only the beginning of an upward journey. Successively, you need to walk out of it. When the father brings illumination into you understanding, you will have to gradually walk away from the religious systems of men; away from the world of illusion and shadows. You’ll have to back out of the age-old lies and falsehood being promoted by the systematized so-called theological machine spread through the surface of the globe. It is a bunch of ignorance and lies. They will plunge you in the abyss of never-ending confusion and guilt. They will rip you off your peace and rest of the Lord. It is a system that knows only the things of men, not of God. This system doesn’t know the father. If it knew Him, they would know themselves. 

For as long as you stay stuck to the world fuelled by the carnality of men, where sensuality, psychology, human philosophy and psychic operate, you will always be acquainted with tribulation. The tempest will not cease unless we let go of the old and embrace the new. So Jonah said, “throw me out of here!” And no sooner had they thrown him overboard than the tempest ceased.  

Give to Caesar what is due him,…: Remember that Jonah had willingly sold out his liberty of the father in exchange for the world. In fact, we read that he paid the fare of the voyage and then joined them on the ship. How do you read this prophetically? Was it not the same act that Adam had done? Adam had sold out his life and identity of light and life; his life and immortality in exchange for death and corruptibility. As Adam professed the evil, the false and renounced the good, so did Jonah in the dramatization of the gospel message. If the image on your coin is Caesar’s, then give to him what belongs to him. But the image of the father is on our forehead, let’s give that to him.

But watch out! Evidently, this prophesy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, Emmanuel- God with us. But who is Jesus and why was he revealed? Most certainly, and without any controversy, He was revealed in order to reflect our life as it is seen by and known to God. The life of Christ is our life we were born into but we forgot. It was covered over by the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. We lost consciousness of this life. We sold out our ability to making a righteous judgment and rather acquired evil judgment competency. That facets of light called revelation which emanates from the light body we have, also  called the righteousness of the saints, doesn’t reach our consciousness anymore. It has been darkened by shadowy perception of human reasoning.  In that darkened perception and understanding of ours we could only have a vague and distorted perception of God; all we see is illusion and dream-like forms, not the true substance of truth which is the I AM GOD. But we still have that light body hidden in us all the same, because eternity or God’s kind of life is, in any case, in the heart of all men. In that state we can only feel and hear Him in a distance and distorted form, but we can see him, because we are blind. Because the false has come between us the I Am. Jesus said to the devil, “get behind me, Satan.” 

If you think God is one thing and you another, that is sin: On the whole we are driving home the fact that if this prophesy referred to Christ, then we are the object of it too. As He is, so we are! You might say, Hey, brother Jonas, that is blasphemous; you are trying to be God!” 

 Well, if there is anything blasphemous and abominable with men, it is the thought that men have a life independent of God. It is the notion that God is one thing and we are another. The thought that we are separate beings from the father is in itself sinful. In fact, in the eyes of the father that is the only sin that ever existed with men. Jesus would not have been revealed if we were not an integral and inseparable part of him.  

Well, if we have got this out of the way, who then can choose the good and renounce the evil. How do you know to choose the first and reject the last? How do you profess the truth and refute the lie? Let’s read our scriptural passage of Isaiah’s prophesy once again:
Isa 7:15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. 

 The character of the law of survival is repetitiveness: Isaiah says, “butter and honey shall He eat!” We have already established that this prophesy of Isaiah’s had its ultimate fulfillment in Christ. What then is the spiritual meaning of butter and honey that He Christ will feed on? To answer this question we need to go back to the beginning, when God asked the Israelites to leave Egypt and go to the promised land. We remember that in the descriptive characteristics of the promised land, they were made to understand that the land flowed with milk and honey.  Well, butter is Isaiah’s interpretation of milk. So, in effect, he was saying that Jesus would drink milk and honey.  

Well, the true concept of the promised land will not be fully understood until we understand that the Exodus, as in many other episodes, was another dramatization of the gospel. Egypt represented the world, the carnal mentality of humans¸ the corruptibility  and death.  The promised land instead represented the highly elevated dimension of the father. It represented the illumed and purely  spiritual understanding that the Holy Spirit grants to the ones who are awake in Him in their consciousness. It symbolized the new world and new spiritual order we wake up to when the Spirit of God resurrects us from the deadness and darkness and causes old things or old and false understanding of things to pass away, making all things new. Behold He makes all things new. 

We also note that the promised land itself was dominated by enemies. In fact, while the Israelites remained in Egypt the promised land always had its characteristics as a land flowing with milk and honey, and yet it was inhabited by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 

 Can you perceive that God was speaking a spiritual language in his reference to the enemies dwelling on the land? There are six of them and six is the numerical representation of humanity, carnality, ignorance, spiritual blindness, what have you?  So we see milk and honey was covered over by a six-nation enemy – humanity. 

Furthermore, we see at the wedding in Cana that there were six water pots holding water for purification. This prophetically symbolized the only human, earthly and imperfect life ever known to these people. it was a world of struggles for survival. This explains the reason for the continuous cleansing practice, because the character of the law of survival is repetitiveness. But when Jesus appeared on the scene, undoubtedly orchestrated by His father, he had to communicate to them, through the water turned into wine, that it was only the life He gave that could restore the perfection buried under the debris of their humanity. In fact the master of the wedding ceremony and the people marveled at the excellent taste of the wine Jesus had produced.  

And again Jesus made a prophetic revelation about the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well at Sychar. Let’s read it together:  

John 4:17-18 Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true." NIV 

Note that you don’t have to cease living naturally to experience this perfect life. It is right here right now! This is the kingdom or life whose gate Jesus says has been opened and those who can see it are entering in. Those who can’t perceive this are still waiting for something to happen one day. The truth is that nothing is going to happen in the future. All that needs to happen is happening now. Millions have crossed over and are heading towards the tabernacle, waiting for God to ever-increasingly manifest in them.   

Many more are still waiting wallowing in religion, trying to make Adam conform according to godliness. Adam can’t be Christ. Adam must die for Christ to fully appear. But religion and the church system is still courting Adam in the holy place. 

Without honey there can’t be milk: Milk and honey therefore refer to the pleasures from heaven; the true bread from heaven; the word of life. It refers to fellowshipping with the voice of life; staying in his presence beholding His face without the veil of our carnal understanding. This was referred to by Jesus as the abomination that causes desolation. We need to acquire new and flesh understanding of the word of truth. The word will also unveil our true selves to us as we truly are in Him. But we need to eat this butter and honey. We need to drink this milk and the honey. 

For the prophetic representation of milk and honey it will do us a lot of good to know that there can’t be one without the other. They are basically the two sides of the same coin. 

But what are the characteristic features of these two food stuff that make them the  prefect conceptual representation of a spiritual thought? Other food items too could have been suitable to convey the same message and, in fact,  they are: vegetables, for instance, was used in the case of Daniel to denote the wisdom-inducing word of God, when he prophetically refrained from the king’s food which stood for the wisdom of the world and lived on only vegetables. This way, he proved to be far wiser than his contemporaries in the end of the observation period, indicative of the truth that the word of truth gives us spiritual intelligence we need to go up the throne where to rule and reign as kings.  In the manifold wisdom of God He uses seemly foolish and base things to put his deep thoughts across. So what about milk and honey? 

Righteousness feeds our consciousness: There are many reasons why milk and honey are the choice of the spirit of God to stand for the spiritual concept that God wants us to grasp. To begin with milk, or butter, which is derived from milk, can’t be thought to have been considered  solely from the point of view of the source from which it is obtained, thus cow’s, goat’s or sheep’s milk, etc. The source would rather be a less reliable attribute to consider, given that goat’s milk was also highly recommended and commonly used, but, actually goats symbolically represent rebellion. As such we should look at the choice of milk from the perspective of its property. Milk, and for that matter butter, is a pure and natural product, which is said to be good for the heart. Now, keep the word “heart” in mind as we are going to pick it up later. 

But if there is any other attribute of milk which makes the choice of it more probable, it is the rather the banal attribute of its colour - white! Why? For the same reason why snow is a substance of no eternal value and yet it is used to denote the covering of the saint – righteousness – simply for its colour. So in the prophesy of Isaiah, he said the choice food of Emmanuel would be milk or butter. This means his consciousness would be fed and energized by the light body which is in the very centre of his being. This light body is referred to in two different places in the book of revelation first as “clouds”- white, obviously. this we find in the reference to the appearing angel that was wearing the cloud in Rev. 10. Then again as the sun, referring to the pregnant woman clothed with the sun before whom the red dragon appears, Rev. 12. But in Daniel chapter 7, in connection with the four-beats out of the sea episode, this is referred to as the heart of man. That picture is another dramatization of the spiritual workings of God in us. As Daniel rightly calls it, it is indeed the heart from which comes the issues of life. If it’s pure, it will produce pure thoughts. Malachi labels it the “sun of righteousness.”  This is the wedding garment of fine linen, bright and clear, with which we make ourselves ready for the wedding of the lamb. 

Both in the visions of Daniel of the Messenger of God in Daniel chapter 10 and that of John in Revelation chapter 1, we see the appearance of Christ in white linen apparel. Ezekiel too saw the same appearance in his vision. However, that garment is what Isaiah referred to as milk. Apostle Paul, in his exhortation in Ephesians 6 to the church to dress up in her spiritual warfare, you notice that he mentions the breastplate of righteousness. This breastplate of righteousness is the child of God’s equivalence of Christ’s light body of righteousness represented in the visions we referred to above. 

 But why is it important for us to have this garment of on?  Because this is our source of life. The true substance of the heart is spiritual, and this is it and here is where it comes from!  It is written that the heart must be guarded with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life. 

This heart; this sun; this cloud; this white linen; this garment of the saints; this milk, as we have known it by these several identifications, feeds our God’s consciousness, so that we become spiritually intelligent, knowing all things that the father knows. But Christ can’t eat this butter without the honey. This righteousness is activated by something else. what is the activator? 

Truth is sweet in our mouth: if we have understood the analysis made of milk, we shouldn’t have much difficulty understanding the choice of honey. Honey too, as milk, was considered as suitable element primarily for its sweet taste. Undoubtedly, this stands for the word of truth! How do we know that word of truth is sweet? We know it because in the book of Revelation chapter 10  verse 10, we see that the same angel we saw earlier on wearing the cloud was holding was also holding an open scroll. The scroll represents the word of truth or the mind of Christ. There is this voice that cracked from heaven and asked John to go get the scroll from the angel standing on the sea and on the land and eat it. John did and, on eating the scroll, the angel said, it would taste sweet like honey in John’s mouth. In fact, it was so.  

But if we disregard the property of taste of honey, we will be left with the colour, as it is with milk. So what about the colour? Generally speaking the colour of honey is golden and gold is the earthly element used to denote eternity or things that last forever pertaining to God.
Now, going back to the visions of the Messenger of God that was shown to Daniel and that of the Alpha and the Omega shown to John, we see that Christ was wearing a golden belt around his chest in the version of Daniel and a golden sash around his waist in that of John. In Paul’s transformation teaching in Ephesians 6 he makes reference to this belt, which he calls the belt of truth. On the basis of this understanding, we submit that honey is a prophetic term to denote truth. Truth is golden which denotes the truth of God that abides forever.    

So it should now be clear when we said that milk and honey are the two sides of the same coin. There can’t be milk without honey implies that there can’t be righteousness without truth. Truth generates and maintains our righteousness. This is why we notice that the golden belt or sash is over the white robe. The truth of the eternal word of God that we hear and understand and digest is what produces righteousness in the child of God. This righteousness, which is the covering of the saints, is what makes us prepared, qualified and ready for the marriage of the lamb. This righteousness link to our consciousness, producing the illumination or the facets of light of God. 

 This we understand from the angle wearing a rainbow over his head in Revelation 10, 1. You will notice that the pregnant woman in Revelation chapter 12 verse 1 is wearing a twelve-star golden crown on the head. It’s the same thing. They are two interchangeable elements that denote the same thing – a consciousness saturated with the light of the knowledge of God. 

In conclusion, brethren, we want to say that this is our calling. To choos ehte good and reject the evil.  The gospel is here to build us up spiritually into the same image, nature and stature of the son of God. But Isaiah said Emmanuel will eat Butter and Honey so that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. Paul says we should put on the same identity of the heavenly through having our consciousness energized by the gift of righteousness (the milk or butter) which is generated by the eternal word of truth( the honey). This is the only way we can know to reject the false human identity we have put on ourselves (the evil or the false), and lay hold on our true heavenly image we had in Christ before the foundation of the world (the good). 

God bless you.

Jonas Opoku-Forson.